Seven - Eleven Breathing
Just as anxiety can affect our breathing, we can use our breathing to control the anxiety.
Breathing is something we can take control of easily, even though we do it unconsciously all our lives. The simplest way is to practise 7-11 breathing. It allows us to centre and calm ourselves.
Ensure that you are not wearing clothing that is too tight, that might restrict your chest and abdomen.
Now empty your lungs of any stale air - breathe out completely
Breathe in through your nose for a count of seven. As you breathe in, let your abdomen expand first and then allow your chest to rise.
When you reach seven, pause and hold it for a moment.
Now start to breathe out slowly through your lips for a count of eleven. Breathe out as if you were blowing upon a candle, just enough to not put the flame out. Let your abdomen fall first, then your chest.
Pause a moment and repeat the process three or four times, starting with the seven second inhalation.