No longer afraid of heights or flying

I’m so thrilled with the results of the hypnotherapy I had with Nikki Hoare at PlymHypnos Hypnotherapy for Plymouth and Beyond, it has been life changing.

Bridges, heights, escalators etc used to give me horrendous anxiety but I have had none since my session with Nikki. To say I’m pleased is an understatement. My fear was so bad I couldn’t watch TV if they had panoramic shots at height. My fear was also of flying and I feel so much more relaxed about our upcoming flights.

CW Plymouth


When I first considered hypnotherapy yes I was a little sceptical, I admit, but was willing to try absolutely anything.

I was 18.5 stones, diabetic and my blood sugars all over the place. Outwardly I was still my happy-go-lucky self but inside I felt dead, numb, completely detached. My fat had become a buffer, a comfort blanket. Problem was, a buffer and comfort from what exactly?

Okay, like most overweight folk l was well versed in Slimming clubs, I've previously had so many Slimmer of the Week certificates from Slimming World they decorated my fridge door! Weight Watchers and Rosemary Conley? I became good friends with the class leaders of several groups! My book shelving creaked under the weight of Slimming magazines and recipe books from all the clubs- yes, not only was l a compulsive dieter, l was a compulsive buyer of anything connected to dieting and quick fix solutions.

But nothing ever worked. Well okay l lost weight. But it was never long lasting. Weight loss was always temporary. Why? Well, Slimming clubs never - and can't - deal with the 'elephant in the room' which is WHY this happens, why we subject ourselves to the merry go round of yo-yo dieting.

Fast forward to my decision to look to hypnotherapy for answers Desperately unhappy in my body, l knew deep down my issues around food were complex, but l just didn't know how to help myself.

August 2021 l began sessions with Nikki Hoare from PlymHypnos. l was 18.5 stone. Today (June 2022) l am 16 stone, a whopping 2.5 stone down. Okay, l have some way to go yet but my diabetic nurse is delighted with my lowered blood sugar readings, l am confident enough now to go swimming and my life is definitely much happier.

Hypnotherapy enabled me to untangle the skewed thinking l had around food, the emotional attachments have been dissolved and for the first time in my life l am actually eating 'to hunger' rather than to suppress emotional turmoil.

How wonderful this feeling is, total freedom from compulsively snacking, getting into debt for over spending on weekly shops and takeaways.

I still find myself in restaurants looking at menus 'to get my money's worth' which was previously how l always decided what to order but then it clicks in....NO l actually don't NEED to eat that, nor do l actually WANT to eat that, my appetite is greatly reduced and so l find myself looking at 'light bites'. And no, it's not because 'I'm on a diet' but because my hunger and appetite is genuinely telling me that's all l need.

If l can do it anyone can do it.

EH. Plymouth

This lady asked us if she could record a video review. Here it is :


I went to Chris with a massive fear of spiders. Before my session I would literally run away screaming if I saw a spider even if not close to me. After 1 session I have now been close to spiders without panicking. I am still not keen, but if I see one I no longer panic. Cannot thank Chris enough.

JE Plymouth


I have been working with Nikki for a few weeks now and every time each session finishes I’m feeling lifted and at peace once more. Finding Nikki and PlymHypnos is becoming life changing for me. I can’t wait until our next session.

TT  (from Google Reviews)

I’m absolutely petrified of needles, have been for as long as I can remember. Today, I had my covid vaccination after cancelling it several times. I can’t thank Chris enough for his support and fantastic service that he gave me! Thank you, thank you!!

SO (via Zoom)


"Chris Sir, you are really amazing and help me to get my covid vaccination jab. i was fearful but you have assist me in a great way to overcome the phobia. You game me session on 30.04.2021 with great love and care and finally i got my 1st dose of vaccination done on 05.05.2021. I am really thankful of you."

PS. Delhi, India (via Zoom) 


"Treatment for needle phobia with Nikki: I was fairly skeptical about this, but very happy to give anything a try that meant not having to go to a GP to get a prescription for sedatives/benzos ahead of getting the COVID vaccination. I can't quite describe how or why, but I'm quite confident that this has worked. I've gone from feeling my heart-rate drop and feeling physically sick every time I think about injections, to feeling only slightly apprehensive. I'm now quite excited to go the the appointment when it rolls around, and before I wasn't sure whether I'd be able to physically get on my bike and cycle there when the time came. Nikki put me in to the strongest guided visualisation that I've ever experienced, and I was able to make connections to events that I'd never considered might be relevant to my phobia. Feels like months of therapy packed in to one 90 min session. I highly recommend giving it a try if you have a problem you'd like hypnotherapy to solve- I think wanting and being ready for it to work is quite key."

TW (via Zoom)


"I got in touch because I've always been bad with needles (with a very embarrassing tendency towards falling off my chair afterwards) and was dreading my Covid jab - Chris kindly fitted me in very speedily and didn't charge, which is hugely generous. I honestly couldn't believe how quickly the session went - it felt like 5 minutes, not 90! I now have my jab booked and feel much better prepared to cope with it. Thank you so much Chris!"

JW (via Zoom)


I cannot praise Nikki enough. I have an extreme Needle Phobia which has caused me a lifetime of Anxiety. After getting little support from my GP for my first Covid Vaccine I had had been left with severe anxiety regarding the 2nd Vaccine, to the point I was not going to have the 2nd jab. I was reading a post regarding the Phobia and saw that the Plymouth Curative Hypnotherapy Clinic were offering Hypnotherapy. I sent an email and within minutes had had a response. Nikki phoned me the same evening and we discussed the Phobia. I felt immediately at ease with Nikki. I was even prepared to make a round trip of 600 miles to enable me to have a Session with Nikki. The 1st person I have every spoken to who did not trivialise my Phobia.

Nikki arranged a Zoom session. Yesterday I had my Session. Just wow. I was very emotional to start but Nikki was so understanding and patient with me. The session and also some techniques that Nikki went through with me have left me feeling at one with the Phobia. I feel that I can face the next jab without hyperventilating and being reduced to a quivering wreck. I feel more focused and am not sitting here blubbering talking about Needles whilst writing this.

Thank you Nikki I will forever be in your debt.

I highly recommend Nikki and her practise.

LM (via Zoom)


"Let me tell you what I think about hypnotherapy... Well I have thought about it all my life and how effective it would be with certain aspects of me. I started with Chris hoare, very excited that my first hypnotherapy session was upon us.

I personally have issues with stress, weight gain, teeth grinding and worry.

I turned up at Chris's place for my first session. Well, how lovely and comfortable I was made to feel and I really loved the confident listening man who helped me get where I am today.

I have had a few sessions with Chris and I have gone down in weight by a stone and my teeth grinding is minimal, no face aches and headaches which were really apparent and my  sleep was suffering, but now I fall asleep and stay asleep with no issue.

To be fair this man has made my life a great deal easier, to think beneath my awake mind and help me to help myself.

I would fully recommend this hypnotherapist as one you can trust and help you with any issues you may have.

Many thanks Chris"

MC - Plymouth


"Nikki is a very caring professional and has already helped me to address some of my issues. Highly recommended"

DR - 2019

"All I can say is thank you.

I started in the March and I was an emotional wreck. I still had a lot of on going issue's due that time.

I thought I would give it a try what have I got to lose, well I have come out with so much more. I weaned myself off the antidepressants, and I have so much more confidence. I feel so much more better in myself.

I was really highly recommend the service. If anyone needs any advice or any help I know these two can help you with this."

BT - Plymouth.


"I can strongly recommend Plymouth Curative Hypnotherapy. (our former name)

Chris put me at ease from the beginning with in depth questions about the issues I was facing and what I hoped to achieve.

I have had a severe phobia of dogs for as long as I can remember and 2 sessions of hypnotherapy has meant that I am now comfortable around dogs in way that I never thought I would be."

VF - Plymouth


"Nikki was truly wonderful! So easy to talk to and really helped me a lot! Cannot recommend enough!!"

LP - Plymouth