
Like all other hypnotherapy professionals, we take client privacy seriously. We will only record the personal information needed to allow us to proceed with a client's therapy. We will explain the purpose for taking such information, retaining it for as long as is necessary to effect treatment  and follow up on its efficacy.  

Whilst held by us, all digitally recorded personal details are securely encrypted using 256 bit encryption and secured behind two passphrases totalling 33 characters in length.  Paper-based records are kept in a locked filing cabinet. No names will appear on any retained paperwork, only a unique client code.. We are registered with the Information Commissioner's Office (ICO) for GDPR purposes.

Client details are never discussed with a third party, unless this is agreed to by the client. This might be for liaising with a GP or other medical professional regarding pain management.

Anything said by a client during a session remains confidential with the therapy room regarded as a safe space.

We do not video or record sessions unless it is a necessary part of a person's therapy, and only with permission.

Chris and Nikki Hoare