Nikki Hoare
Nikki Hoare
C.Hyp,Dip Hyp, GQHP, GHR and CNHC Reg
MMHA Certified
My interest in hypnotherapy began with my husband sharing his interest with me over the years.
We used hypnosis during childbirth to control my labour pains. Again a few years later when we had twins we used hypnosis to prepare me for labour and provide successful pain control.
I formally studied hypnotherapy in Devon, UK and via the MMHA in Toronto, Canada. I have also had specific training in menopause relief. From 2022 to 2023 I trained and qualified in Quantum Journey Hypnosis, enabling me to help people explore past or alternative lives.
Nikki Hoare Dip.Hyp, GQHP, GHR and CNHC reg, MMHA certified
Nikki Hoare Dip.Hyp, GQHP, GHR and CNHC reg, MMHA certified
PlymHypnos Hypnotherapy
PlymHypnos Hypnotherapy