Smoking Cessation

A few questions...

Are you ready to stop smoking, now and forever?

Are you ready to take back control  of your health from the tobacco companies?

Are you ready to stop paying  your  earnings, savings or pension  to the Treasury/tobacco execs?

Are you ready to start tasting food  properly again?


Are you ready to no longer worry  where your cigarettes are when you leave the house/ get in the car/ go for a meal?

If the answer is "Yes" then we would be happy to hear from you and be part of your journey to being a non-smoker. Contact us for a free, informal chat and we can talk about how hypnotherapy can help you to reclaim the control over cigarettes and your life  that you thought you had.

If the answer is "No" then you might want to read on, after all you are already here.

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If you feel you are not ready to stop completely yet, but still want to control cravings, the link below will take you to a tried and tested technique that we have been teaching people for many years. It can be used to reduce or remove any sort of craving, whether that be cigarettes, chocolate or even cheese.

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If, like many people, you think that nicotine addiction is your issue, here's something to make you go "Hmmm!"

How often do you wake up at night BECAUSE you need a cigarette? 

Overwhelmingly the answer is "NEVER".

If you are a 30 a day smoker that averages to 1 cigarette every 40 minutes of your waking hours. Yet you will go through up to 8 hours of sleep without waking for a cigarette. The same is true for a 40/50/60-a-day smoker.

A simple way to calculate the financial benefits of stopping smoking can be found here at NHS Inform.